Monday, October 29, 2012

HR Consultant Interview Questions

HR consultant interview questions are programmed by the experts in order to interview the job seekers, who are willing to work as a HR consultant in an organization. After evaluating the overall work experience, skills & knowledge and educational qualification, a deserving candidate can be appointed as a HR consultant.

Sample HR consultant interview questions:

  • Please mention something about your overall consultant experience? Why did you resign from your previous organization?
  • Tell us about the major job duties and responsibilities as an HR consultant?
  • What mode of communication do you prefer the most to advertise the job openings and how do you maintain the records for the same?
  • Discuss the process of receiving and evaluating the contender resumes against a particular job opening.
  • What is the detailed procedure of managing an interview and short listing a deserving candidate?
  • Why do preparing and updating of a HR database is necessary for the successful HR management?
  • What do you understand from negotiating salary terms between a client and a candidate?
  • Discuss the type and different clause of a HR consultant agreement? Differentiate between an employment contract and a consultant agreement.
  • How do you review the employment policies? How do you prepare and modify the recruitment programs for a particular client?
  • Define client management and candidate management. Differentiate between the job duties and responsibilities.
  • What strategy do you implement to maintain and initiate a healthy client network?
  • Have you ever hired and fired a wrong candidate?
  • If we appoint you, when are you available to work with us?

1 comment:

  1. It basically means managing the human resource department of offshore companies that are hard-pressed for time and expertise when it comes to taking care of their employees. HR outsourcing
